Tuesday 2 March 2010

Winter Break 2010 (part 1)

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Its been a while. Last update was a week before the beginning of midyear exam. well, the exam was just fine. not study much. there are so many holes in my management. have to manage it well. 3rd year study is the tough one. i have to be more tougher i guess.

Now its already the 2nd week of class after the winter break. not so much travel this year. but, i've gained a lot of experiences during my last holidays.

Dumyat, Malam Apresiasi Graduan, Mesyuarat Agung Tertinggi PERUBATAN, Sinai Explorer '10, Seminar Professionalism and abg Israq & Kak Naimah wedding have tought me a lot!

Not so much in a mood to write, just let u guys see the pictures. it worth a thousand words!

Strength : most of Gen7 boys
Venue : Ra's Bar, Damietta City
Mood : Happiest day with those guys!

cloudy day

the arrival

Ra's Bar

beautiful creation

nice shot

continuation Nile with Mediteraanean

cute faces without thol's baby face





its BBQ time

big chef in action

process of inflam-mation

severe burn

we was here

my 'sengal'ness

"Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut mengalir (berdampingan); yang ini tawar lagi segar dan yang lain masin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya dinding dan batas yang menghalanginya"

(Al-Furqan : 53)

Ra's Bar means 'kepala darat'. A long times ago, there was a man called Saidina Amru bin As which found a land in Egypt. The 1st place that he landed in Egypt is the Ra's Bar, the place where Nile and Mediterranean met. Almighty made salt water and plain water to be adjacent to each other but not mixed. He is supergreat aite? subhanallah!

By the way, Nile River is the longest river in the world. Its originate from Victoria Lake in Sudan, and took her end in Damietta.


Malam Apresiasi Graduan 2010
Strength : All juniors
Venue : Malaysian Hall, Abbasiya
Mood : Envy!

(from left : Farouk, Izwan, Zul, Iqbal, Daus, Hamdan, Haikal, Akmal, Israq)

(from left : Zawil, Daing, Faiqah, Aniah, Laili)


last advices from kak Zawil

and abg Iqbal too

during truth and dare session

with the VIPs

muslim's frontliners

a moment of graduation

happy faces

abg Iqbal

kak Zawil

abg Farouk and abg Daus

abg Akmal

abg zul

abg Haikal

abg Izwan

wife and husband

kak Faiqah and husband

abg Israq with wife

kak Aniah, Ust Fawwaz and me

MAG's committee members

last but not least, the photographer
(from left : Afiq, Dinmat and me)

some appreciation from us as a juniors!


Abg Israq & Kak Naemah's wedding

Strength : All Malaysian students in Egypt
Venue : Malaysian Hall, Abbasiya
Mood : Jealous!

May Allah bless u both!

Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud: Di antara tanda-tanda kebesaran-Nya ia menjadikan untuk kamu pasangan dari jenis kamu sendiri untuk kamu tinggal tenteram di sampingnya dan dijadikan di antara kamu kasih sayang dan belas kasihan. Semuanya itu menjadi tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berfikir.

*abg Israq just graduated from Ain Shams University last 2 months.
kak Naimah is my 4th year senior

to be continued


princess said...

u have ur student life after all..


khairul fahmy said...

ha tu!!!!
dah pegang DSLR!!
alang2 dah pegang tu beli je lah
hai duit byk xkn KEDEK..!!!!
duit x bwk mati lor!!!!
beli jer!!!

yayasardon said...

uishh .
rambut panjang gila .
dah mcm shah rukh khan da niguk.
aha .

cairoboy said...

princess :
ya la,dat is part of what we call 'student life in egypt'.dont be jealous.u went to UK.me jealous too.lalala

amy :
haha.itu pinjam je la amy.mane ade fulus mahu beli dslr.mintak baba belikan along satu la.my bday just passed by kan?haha

yaya :
shah rukh khan?no2.its like farKHAN kot.haha

musegalo said...

patut la sibuk je spanjang cuti ni..
nak ajak men basket pn x mau..

cairoboy said...

ihsan :
haha.tu baru part 1 sung.ade lagi 1 part aku x update lg.hehe

Anonymous said...

bestnyer tengok pic tu..
ni yng jelouse neh..
tp pic yng bahagian bawah tu..

faris said...

thanks paan sharing gambar..

tapi ad salah info ak rasa, Abg Isra' grad Ain Shams la, bukan Cairo :)