Thursday 28 August 2008

ayu tag aan

Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
-funny laa diz quest...hahhaa...pnah baba's arm...

What were you doing at 1 am?

-if in Cairo,im sleeping oredy...if in Msia,hurm....chatting....

What was the reason you last cried?

-fly to Cairo...its hard to separate wif ur mom ryte??

What are you seriously wearing?

-levi's jeans

What are you doing tonight?

-eat nan cheese wif baba put lintah on his back...eeww!!

Do you clean when you’re upset?

-not really...depends on my mood..

Would you ever dye your hair blue?

-daa~~ buang duit jerk...

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

-2....And1 junkyard and Adidas sneakers...

Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings?

-not really...but rather to tell them than to carry the heavy burden...

What's on your mind right now?.

-thingking of grandma....hahaha

How have you felt today?
-happy n tired...driving..huh!!

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

-of course...people make mistakes maa...

Did you cry today? happy wif my own lyfe...y shod i cry??

Do you miss anyone?
-no...all r beside me now...

Who knows your biggest secret?
-stitch's fren...

Who was the last person to hold your hand? lil sis.....cute...

How many windows are open on your computer?

-3...mozilla,yahoo messenger,bearshare.....

What do you hear right now?

-jonas brother - burnin' up

How many hours did you sleep last night?

Are you waiting for something?

-yes....a true love

Does anyone hate you?

-donno...but i think...there is....

Who was your last call from?


Have you ever ran away?


Can you run a mile?

-thousand mile pun aku boleh...kuikui

Who's voice did you hear last?

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
-nope...x mndi lg maa...

Did you speak to your mother today?
-of course borak2 dgn die dlm keta...

What is the last movie you watched?

-wall e i guess....

Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?

-ibu....stitch's fren...teddy....

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

Do you like someone?
-of coz laa....daa~~

Has anyone disappointed you recently?

-hurm...anonymous (si pengecut)...

How late did you stay up last night and why?
-until 2 am....oversleep dat,cant sleep lorh...


[amiza malik] said...

@_@miahaha..tajuk belog ko mencuit ati..miahaha..great job nways:)

[MH] said...

suka gamba kat atas menarik..oit,ko tag sape plak?

cairoboy said...


ayu :
mencuit ati ko ke??malu nye..hihihi..*blushing*...

fathiyyah :
oleh kerana anda dh tanye..aku tag ko!!..hahaha...jwb tau...

[amiza malik] said...

hati aku dicuit2lorh...
to fatty:gmbr tu aan kat pd..

cairoboy said...


ayu :
hahaha...hati ko dicuit oleh aan....daa~~semoga ko sentiasa tersenyum kambing after kene cuit..huhuhu...

[MH] said...

paan!tag ari tu pon aku blom buat lagi tau...betul ke nk tag aku nii??aku saje je nk tahu ko tag sape..

cairoboy said...


fathy :
haha..kna gak..ko kna jawab!!!
x jwb,ko kna byr ufti kat aku...
faham!!..haha(evil laugh)...

Noor Asyila said...

menarik tag ni..hehe

[MH] said...

cett cett

[MH] said...

tu haa,syila kata menarik tag ni..apa lagiii..tag syila cepaaaat

cairoboy said...


asyila :
menarik kan syila...menarik lg bile ko kna tag dgn aku...haha(evil laugh)

fathiyyah :
syila dh kene tag...puas ati??hahaha

Noor Asyila said...

haha..adoii..mengade btol ckp tag ni menarik..tak pasal2 kna buat masa tu gak..huhu..
nasib baek da siap~beres~